Maximizing Your Influence
What is influence? Do I have it? If I have it, how do I maximize it?
It has been said that every action of our lives touches some chord that will vibrate in eternity. If this is the case, then every choice matters and the lives we touch and how we touch them, matter more than we know.
Take a quick look around. Is anyone watching you? If they are, then you have some influence over them. This means you are having an effect on the development of their character.
There is a principle within the universe that goes something like this - the more we focus on our unique purpose and contribution - influence grows. (Biblical support - Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy. 1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV)
Our contribution is recognized by others, not because we are trying to impress, but because we are good at what we do - we have a passion for it and we desire to continually improve our skills. (Biblical support - His master said to him, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with little, I will set you over much..." Matthew 25:21 ESV)
When our contribution is excellent and that contribution is supported by excellent character, as well, others who are watching are inspired to follow our good example. (Biblical support - One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much... Luke 16:10 ESV)
Because true selfless service and godly character are rooted in a relationship with Christ, then it naturally follows, the greater likeness to Christ, the greater effect on others. What is the bottom line about influence in the Christian community? We inspire to cause others to aspire.
When others within our sphere of influence aspire to be better people and they are moved toward God through the Savior, Jesus Christ, this constitutes the highest form of stewarding influence over them.
Have you heard the phrase - blessed to be a blessing? I think it can be safely said that if you are stewarding your influence over another person for their eternal benefit, you can be assured that you are, indeed, maximizing your influence.