Monday, March 5, 2012

I've been thinking about trust...


In my three previous blogs in this series I have been describing elements of a change process I have identified in my own life as transformation alchemy. Transformation alchemy includes INSPIRATION + KNOWLEDGE + WONDER which God uses to move me along a path toward sanctification. Sanctification is God's term for the incremental changes He makes in me as He changes me to be more like His son, Jesus Christ.

Each element is required for transformation alchemy to occur and I do believe the order matters. The fourth and final element in the process is TRUST. As I mentioned in my previous blog, it was not until I learned about TRUST and specifically the moment to moment call to "entrusting" that I was transformed.

"Entrusting" is an active word to me. It reminds me that each moment of the day I am called to be in accord with God's plan by "entrusting" everything to Him. I have learned through many hard lessons that I cannot presume upon God, I cannot willfully construct my own plans and dreams and expect His stamp of approval. He reveals Himself to me only when I approach Him with a humble heart - sincerely desiring for union with Him. He then makes Himself strong on my behalf and cements the transformation that I cannot accomplish in my own strength.

When I looked up the definition of trust, I found out it means assured reliance on the
character - individualizing ethical traits
ability - state of being able to perform
strength - showing power to resist or endure
and truth - a transcendent spiritual reality
of someone or something.

In this context, entrusting is about constantly, moment by moment, placing my full confidence in my Heavenly Father. Modeling this concept, Jesus Christ, the visible image of invisible God, showed me just what entrusting looks like in 1 Peter 2:23, When He was reviled, He did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but continued entrusting Himself to Him who judges justly. Christ's suffering was undeserved, but He simply "committed Himself" to Him who judges righteously - His Heavenly Father.

Following the example of Jesus, my decision to commit myself to "TRUST by entrusting" brings me to a safe, peaceful harbor where I rest after the storms of life dissipate. A fruit of my commitment is that I am able to remain stable and sturdy under the weight and pressures that life brings. A thought that often comes to mind these days is, "This current difficult situation or circumstance will not change anything that I am doing for the pleasure of an audience of one - God!"

Meanwhile, the on-going cycle continues of INSPIRATION + KNOWLEDGE + WONDER + TRUST = causing a desire within me to aspire to CHANGE. These elements move me forward into a future shaped by God.

And those who know Your name put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You. Psalm 9:10