Practically Perfect in Every Way!
Mary Poppins is a memorable 1964 Disney musical film starring Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke. It is the story of a magical nanny who descends (literally) upon a family living in London in the spring of 1910. Mary brings a healing presence to the home before the wind blows her away to a new destination and a new mission.
Julie Andrews won the Best Actress Oscar that year for her performance and as you can imagine, with her beautiful face and lyrical musical ability, she was able to portray Mary as "practically perfect in every way!"
The line "practically perfect in every way" has become a popular, catchy phrase from the film and one that I was reminded of recently when I attended the musical while it was here in February at the Gammage Theater.
I have been rolling this phrase around in my mind and I find myself considering the subject of perfection. I don't know about you, but when it comes to perfection there is only one place to head to and that is to God's Word. As you may know, the Bible has a thing or two to say about perfection.
For instance in Psalm 119:96, I find this interesting tidbit:
I have seen a limit to all (human) perfection,
but Your commandment is exceedingly broad.
"Broad" meaning, the Lord's commandment has no limit to its perfection, because it is resourced by God's own limitless perfection. Wow! And amazingly, when we as Christians seek to live in conformity to Scripture, we are, in fact, pursuing the very perfection of God.
The way we move toward that perfection is by remaining steadfast in our obedience. Then, throughout our lives, we continue to grow in holiness but are not yet perfected in it because perfection will only be realized when Jesus returns.
But, hey! How encouraging is it that God lets us see His perfection and even feel it a little as we press toward the day that we are completely perfect in His presence.
Until then, here is my latest version of the phrase:
God is "absolutely perfect in every way!"
He easily trumps the Mary Poppins version.
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