My blog has been silent since mid-November.
I went silent because of a major lifestyle change that came about when Darryl and I remodeled and moved back into the townhome we lived in (and still own) before our three year hiatus at the Optima Camelview Village.
Also, in November I reached a milestone of 100 blogs. As I crossed that finish line, I felt like it was a good time to breathe a little and give myself space to refresh, reflect and refocus as a reward.
With that being said, however, there is an even more significant reason for taking a break. I promised myself that I would never write anything without humbly waiting on inspiration from God first. So as the noise in my head increased with the chaos of moving and retooling my lifestyle, the ability to hear God's still, small voice decreased dramatically. God took me at my word and kept me sitting in His waiting room until the noise subsided.
I guess here is where you could make a good analogy between the children of Israel struggling with being guided by a pillar of cloud/fire in the Old Testament and my desire to wait on God for His insight before I write. My flesh cries out to push ahead, meet my own goals, do my own thing - but frankly, without His insight, there is really nothing of consequence to write about!
In essence, a stop sign popped up before me in mid-November. Looking back, my assignment was to "run silent" - dredging up a word picture from an old 1958 movie by the name of "Run Silent, Run Deep." The name refers to "silent running" - a submarine stealth tactic. As I contemplated orders to "Run Silent" I also heard a faint echo immediately following to "Run Deep" - perhaps even subterranean - if that was what God determined for me.
What came of plumbing the silent depths? I bow in humble adoration before the greatness of God's works and the unsearchable depths of His purpose which directs His works. From sunlit shallows or murky abyss, God's graciousness and goodness shines forth and I am entranced. I choose to trust again.
My new focus? Steady as she goes! Another colorful seaworthy phrase about finding equilibrium once again - moving out slowly - purposefully - quietly - into this new season. I am reveling in surviving the extremes of the last few months. I am finding the perfectly poised middle of equilibrium once again and it feels so good!
Why quietly? So I can hear inspiration when it comes and give utterance to all God puts in and on my heart. To revel in the adventure of following God's mysterious leading sometimes into the wee hours. Waking is better than sleeping! O happy day!
How great are Thy works, O Lord!
Thy thoughts are very deep.
Psalm 92:5
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