Thursday, September 27, 2012

I've been thinking about heroism...


This blog is a shout-out to some of the individuals who have stood with us in our transition from Scottsdale Bible Church.  They have stayed connected and helped us succeed at Phoenix Seminary.  In our home we use the expression, they have "skin in the game!"  Meaning, they have not only cheered us on from a distance but they have also walked alongside us in camaraderie and fellowship.

These individuals have stepped up to help us bear our burdens - communicating in all sorts of ways that "we are in this together - we believe in you - we support you!"  We have been blessed by their genuine caring and we want to take this opportunity to give thanks to God for them by name.

Cathy Brown - You are an unceasing prayer warrior!  You listen and discern and, therefore, no one could represent us better before the throne than YOU!  You know Darryl teases those he loves!  He probably is not joking, however, when he says he plans on you nursing him at the end of his life using what you know to ease his pain!  BTW - do you remember that time Darryl intentionally waited in an empty intersection to prevent you from turning so you had to wait for the next green light - while he mischievously sped away? Wasn't that cute and cuddly?  

Jacque Chadwick - We share many memories with you.  You guided Phoenix Seminary in an elegant and expeditious manner when you served as chair of the board of directors.  You provided the bridge to Darryl's full-time position at the seminary.  For those of us who know you best, you ooze love and loyalty combined with a gentle and extremely generous spirit.  You value the things of God, the work of God, the mission of Phoenix Seminary and you actively structure your life around your values.  You do what you say!  You are a treasure of a friend!

Jeff & Tracy Goble - We will always be indebted to you for our amazing 20th year anniversary celebration at Scottsdale Bible Church.  Our entire family was blessed by all the wonderful festivities and the fantastic cruise where we made many lasting memories together!  You have been loving and understanding all through the years and that has not changed even though we have moved on from SBC.  You remain sensitive and understanding of our feelings and you strive to do good in the name of Christ!

Ed & Diane Grant - You are our buddies!  Your large brood entertains and inspires us!  Ed, you are like a brother to Darryl.  You have watched over him, advised and guided him.  You even made it possible for us to join Paradise Valley Country Club - something that NEVER would have happened without your support.  Diane, when we are threatened and we need you - you watch over us us like a mother bear.  You guys breathe our air and keep a watchful eye to make sure we are okay!  We love you like family!

Wayne & Margaret Grudem - You share our love and commitment to Phoenix Seminary.  You both work hard to benefit the seminary in practical ways.  Wayne, you travel and speak and represent us incredibly well around the world.  Margaret, you are hospitable - opening your home many times to host faculty gatherings over the years.  We have told you directly and we remind you now - that you are a big part of why we are at Phoenix Seminary.  We depend on you to walk with us!  We feel blessed to know you! 

Wayne & Bev Lehsten - You are like parents to us - and we think you are the best there is!  You have
loved us unconditionally by praying for us, hosting us in your home for delicious meals and providing wise
counsel - always with enthusiastic balcony support!  We count on you being in our corner.  Your
smiling faces radiate - we love you and we think you are terrific!  No wonder we bloom when we are around you!  We want you to know your investment is a huge part of why are who we are!

Jim & Kathy McDowell - Oh man, have you guys saved our bacon, several times over!  Your generosity and willingness to help us out are like balm to our weary and sometimes very worried souls.  Jim, you are a big brother who provides a steady and loving presence in Darryl's life.  Kathy, you have loved on us graciously and generously through the years.  You both may not know just how much we appreciate you, so we are recording it here for all time.  You make our socks roll up and down!

Jamie & Kim Rasmussen - You have honored our history at Scottsdale Bible Church!  We hear all the time about how you mention your pastor emeritus - the good humor you share and the respect you have for Darryl's teaching - even recommending an expanded study of Romans in the President' class.  Kim, you stand by your man with dignity and grace!  You have entrusted your hearts to us and we have entrusted ours to you!  We hope you will always be a part of our lives and ministry! 

Astor & Sonja Stave - We have seen the world with you two - San Diego, the Pacific Northwest, Vancouver, Victoria, the Caribbean, the Panama Canal, Hawaii and Norway!  You have opened doors and windows  of opportunity and adventure for us by befriending us.  Astor, as an older brother, you readily share your wise counsel at your on-going breakfast counseling sessions with Darryl.  Sonja, you have embraced us as part of your own family and nobody makes Norwegian pancakes like you do!

Steve & Barbara Uhlmann - We have been friends for many years and you continue to stand with us in this new season of Darryl's presidency.  You have expanded your own personal passion for marriages to include the mission of Phoenix Seminary because of your love and support of us.  Barbara, your service as chair of the seminary board and Steve, your personal interest in the development and deepening of the seminary, particularly in the area of personal growth and transformation, have contributed in mighty ways to God's Kingdom.  Steve, the CWV will be exploring transformation alchemy this spring.  I promise it will happen!
Ed & Mary Lou Willmington - Ed, you and Darryl were "hooked at the hip" for most of our 25 year run at Scottsdale Bible Church.  Darryl takes great joy in the beautiful music you composed out of the pain he inflicted upon YOU!  Your reverence for God, your humility and sacrificial service to the church have inspired us, blessed us and made us cry more times than we can count.  No one  puts a worship service together that lifts our hearts to God - with so many moving parts -  the way you do!  Mary Lou, we are blessed by your angelic voice and your tremendous poise and grace.  That same poise and grace has been passed on to your daughters - two of your finest accomplishments!  We have not forgotten that SBC was built on your monumental investment!

O Father, we thank You that we have been blessed by these dear friends.  We are thankful these remarks are part of our history and heritage.  We praise You because You are the giver of every good and perfect gift!  Amen.

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