Saturday, November 15, 2008

I've been thinking about defining events...

Bumps vs. Forks

I woke up this morning thinking about defining events. Perhaps it was because I often help women determine what those are in their own pilgrimage on this earth. Anyway, someone shared with me recently that there is a vast difference between bumps and forks in the road of life. Bumps create sudden impact that throws off our delicate sense of balance and forks literally hurl us totally in a different direction. These thoughts made me think about my own life and some of my own defining events:

Coming to know Christ at 12 (fork)
Broken promise about a trip to California for high school graduation (bump)
Moving from Iowa to California at 18 (fork)
Marrying a pastor at 21 (fork)
Suffering in the early years of my husband's ministry (many bumps)
Bearing two children (fork)
Becoming more consecrated in my personal relationship with God at 30 (fork)
Meeting a covenant sister in Christ (friend of the heart) at 40 (fork)
Starting a formal mentoring ministry at 50 (fork)
Losing my dad at 55 (bump)
Losing my six year old nephew two weeks later (big bump)

I am very thankful at this thankful time of year that God has made His presence known to me through all of the above bumps and forks. He helped me make vector changes that kept me moving in a righteous direction for His glory. Psalm 1:6, "For the Lord knows the way of the righteous."

I also take great comfort in the fact that as He has worked with me in the past, He will continue to work with me in the future. I am resting in the confidence that future bumps and forks will be watched over by His gentlemanly presence in my life. And so, I find that I am very thankful for His many blessings at this Thanksgiving time!

Monday, November 10, 2008

I've been thinking about language...

Venting: A Chance to Speak Express Frustration Graciously

The Scottsdale Tribune has a column on the Opinion page entitled The Vent. Individuals e-mail their comments to or phone comments to (480) 898-6806. Every once in a while I read The Vent to see how our society is expressing itself. One day back in June of 2008 I read this comment directed to someone who shot and killed a grandmother. "You are a dirty little coward. I hope the gates of hell open up and invade your dreams with the slimiest demons there can be and eat your soul until you are nothing but a quivering, blubbering mass in the gutter where you belong."

I kept this particular column because of the imaginative language this person used in venting his or her opinion. I am not sure I could come up with this particular line of verbiage if my life depended on it! And so, here is a model of how to say something intensely without using filthy language. And this leads me to the topic for this blog...language.

Each time I open my mouth, I must make a choice about the way I will speak, the language I will use. Most of the time when I think about language, I think about the very practical Scripture in Ephesians 4:29 that instructs me not to use "corrupting talk" or evil speech, meaning "rotten" or "putrid" speech. Instead, I am to use talk that is good for building up and giving grace. To "give grace" is to speak in a way that benefits others.

Every once in a while, when the occasion calls for it, it is important to know how to say something potently strong but with language that is not foul or objectionable. Let's be honest, it takes no effort or creativity to reinforce our headlong downward spiral as a society into bad choices in morals, manners, actions and language. On the other hand, it takes great wit and wisdom to vent in a vigorous and emotional way while still choosing to convey dignity and honor on others who are listening or as in this case reading us. Hats off then, to our expressive venter, who made the choice to do it the hard way and who is still remembered for it!!!