Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I've been thinking about growth...

An Acrostic for GROWTH

My mission statement is, "I exist to serve by stimulating growth for the glory of God." My life verse is Hebrews 10:24 which supports my mission, "Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds."

The emphasis of this verse in Hebrews is on the phrase, "Let us consider" meaning my effectiveness in stimulating growth is qualified by how much time I have spent listening and understanding!

God recently gave me an exciting acrostic for growth:

With a

A risky situation involves exposure to danger. I define "risky" as something that is exhilarating because the opportunity combines both excitement and fear. However, when these two things are present I know God is in it! My heart is excited at the possibility but I am fearful that I will fail.

Isn't that the leap of faith that God requires of me to grow? I choose to rise to the challenge and engage with God without evidence that I will succeed. I leap with a trusting heart!

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