Thursday, September 6, 2007

I’ve been thinking about what I believe…

I Believe God!

I believe God called me to be His child before the foundation of the world.
I believe He created me and uniquely designed me for His glory.
I believe God loves me with constant, unconditional, everlasting love.
I believe He enlarges my faith to face the future with a smile.
I believe God shapes my desires into conformity to His will.I believe He protects and preserves me all the days of my life.
Because I believe God - I surrender myself to His care.

I believe God seeks an intimate relationship with me.
I believe He communes with me in silence and solitude.
I believe God conforms my mind to the mind of Jesus Christ.
I believe He perfects me by removing dissonance between my thinking and behavior.
I believe God gifts me for service through the work of the Holy Spirit.
I believe He empowers my obedience when I selflessly serve as He directs.
Because I believe God - I surrender myself to His will.

I believe God created me to complete and enrich my husband.
I believe He is pleased when I offer the very best of me.
I believe God blesses my submissive attitude and respectful behavior.
I believe He is glorified when I meet my husband’s needs and make his dreams a reality.
I believe God enables me to cheerfully adapt to my husband’s preferences.
I believe He is cultivating a gentle and quiet spirit within me.
Because I believe God - I surrender myself to His design.

I believe God predestined me for covenant relationships in Christ.
I believe He inspires me to invest my time and resources generously.
I believe God edifies through me when I affirm character and accomplishments.
I believe He acts when I pray faithfully for His will to be accomplished.
I believe God directs each of His children along an inscrutable sovereign path.
I believe I see Him at work when I support holy ground experiences.

Because I believe God - I surrender myself to His plan.
I believe God commissions me to love redemptively in the world.
I believe He uses my body to demonstrate the compassion of Jesus Christ.
I believe God is glorified when I serve others with humility and gentleness.
I believe He provides discernment about spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.
I believe God compels me to speak the truth but not at the expense of kindness.
I believe He provides grace for every need in every circumstance.
Because I believe God - I surrender myself to His service.

Because I believe God – I surrender all!


September 2000

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